Open Comb Safety Razors

Open Comb Safety Razor - PS -BC-5 ( Open Comb )

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₹ 409.00

₹ 499.00
  • Availability : 47

₹ 409.00

Product Description


1.    Opening: Twist the knob located at the top of the razor handle to open the blade chamber until the chamber completely open.

2.    Loading a blade: Carefully remove a blade from the package then watchfully remove the protective covering.

Caution:          Blades are sharp and must be handled with care.

When removing, replacing or discarding, never handle blades by the cutting edges.

Hold the blade by the sides.

3.    Place the blade in the blade chamber. Give the handle a gentle shake to help seat the blade. Make sure the blade is centered from end to end and hold the razor head level.

4.   Twist the knob located at the top of the razor handle to close the blade chamber until completely closed and the blade is secure. Now your PRISTINE Razor is ready for the perfect shave.


Preparing Face for shaving


5.    Wet beard with lukewarm water to soften the hair and leave it on for 1 or 2 minutes. Lukewarm water will help open up your pores and soften your coarse facial hair.

6.  Prepare skin and hair with a thick, moisturizing shaving cream or gel. Allow it to remain on your beard hair for a few minutes to soften the hair. This will also allow the moisturizing agents to protect your skin.

7.   The weighted handle should be giving you all the force you need to shave clean and steady, so apply no additional pressure once that blade is on your face. Keep the blade at 30 to 45 degrees angle to your face and shave from top to bottom. If you keep too steep or narrow, it can cause irritation or cut.

8.      Rinse the razor after every stroke to prevent it getting clogged up with hair. Clean your face off with cold water to help close your pores off a bit.

9.      Repeat step 5 to 8 for a second pass. Remember, this time shave sideways across your face to cut the hairs just a little bit closer.

10.  Use a clean towel to wipe freshly shaved face. Don't rub completely dry as it may irritate skin. 

11.  Apply moisturizer or after shave to nourish your skin.

12.  Rinse your brush and razor thoroughly and shake out as much as water to keep them last longer.




·         Made with highest quality material and carefully handcrafted for effortless shaving experience

·         Meticulous designed to have perfect weight and ergonomic shape

·         Ideally works straight on ingrown hair, beard, and moustache and gives a smooth shave

·         Chrome plated brass construction

·         Environmentally friendly and sustainable

·         Solid, durable and cost-effective

·         Pristine Shaving Guide – User manual included that directs you for perfect shave

Pristine Safety Razor made with highest quality material and carefully hand crafted to provide an ultimate closer straight shave leaving your skin reliably smooth.  



·         High quality - Its chrome plated finishing prevents from rust, tarnish and breakage.

·         Its firm, non-slippery grip giving extra balance needed for close precision shave at every stroke. 

·         It’s easy to clean and no beard or hair remained on razor head which leaves your skin more hygienic and healthier for life long.

·         Finely balanced weight distribution between handle and head for optimum performance and comfortable shaving experience

·         It is better than plastic disposable razor in terms of striking the perfect balance between affordability, convenience and shave quality.

Hassle – free blade replacement

Shave like never before with this robust, classic and precision engineered piece of genius.




Product Specifications

Model Number
Availability In stock
Product SKU Open Comb Safety Razors Products    
Minimum order quantity 1
Maximum order quantity 50
Listed date 22nd Mar, 2022

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